
Foto saya
Senai, Johor, Malaysia
*chocolate cake*red velvet cake*rainbow cake*cheese cake*butter cake*marble cake*

Jumaat, 28 Oktober 2011

what?? pavlova??

Salam.....smlm tgk kt tv rancangan masak2.....suke tgk Nigella Bites...pasal mak2 yg masak kan pastu nk cpt n mudah jek style dia....tgk2 plak dia tunjukkan buat pavlova....mcm best jek...pasal tekak mmg tgh nk mkn yg manis2...nk mkn eskerim hr hujan, sejuk plak....tgk mcm mudah jek buat pavlova ni...guna telur n gula..n tepung jagung....ala2 buat macaron gak style dia sbb nk jdkan meringue (me'reng aka putih telur yg diputar kental x jatuh) tp disebbkan pavlova ni manis so atas krim 2 letakla buah yg masam sbb nk cover rasa manis tuh.....kalo kt mesia ni  ltkla buah mangga muda ke, nanas ke, jambu ke....hahahaha.....x tau plak saya kalo ada org gantikan ngan buah2 mcm 2....saya dok imagine jek....yalah kalo kt negara omputih tu kompomla letak strawberi, blueberi, kiwi....helleh kita pon ada gak tp kene beli kt kalo tgk style nigella ni diletakkan wine dlm tuh, tp kita yg islam nih x pyhla ltk kan...n satu lg resepi yg ni si nigella ni guna passion kt cni saya ltkla video nigella ni ek bleh jdkan sumber inspirasi....

 n yg ni gambar pavlova yg menarik......
best kan????emmm yummi....

nak resepi?


Bahan-bahan ( 1 biji pavlova (6 org makan) )

  • 8 biji putih telur
  • 300g gula kastor
  • 4 sudu besar tepung jagung
  • 1 sudu kecil esen vanila
  • 1/2 sudu kecil cuka makan
  • *******untuk topping*******
  • 250g whipping cream
  • 30g gula icing
  • 1/2 sudu kecil esen vanila
  • Buah-buahan seperti strawberry,passionfruit,kiwi,blueberry,pineapple dan sebagainya.


  1. Pastikan mangkuk anda bersih yer.Putar putih telur sampai keluar 'soft peak',tambah gula kastor sedikit demi sedikit dan putar sehingga keluar 'stiff peaks'.pastikan gula betul2 hancur.masukkan esen vanila, cuka dan tepung jagung.kacau semuanya.
  2. Lukiskan bulatan besar pada baking paper dan sudukan adunan ke dalamnya.Panaskan oven 180 degree celcius dan tukarkan ke 120 degree celcius sebaik sahaja ia dimasukkan ke dlm oven.bakar selama 1 jam dan sejukkan 30 minit.
  3. Untuk topping,putar whipping cream sehingga muncul soft peaks.Maniskannya dgn gula dan esen vanila.
  4. sudukan whipping cream keatas pavlova sehingga menutupi atasannya.Hias dengan buah-buahan.


4 large room temperature Egg Whites
1 cup of Castor Sugar, also known as 'Berry Sugar'
1 tsp of White Vinegar
1/2 tbs of Cornstarch

1 cup of Whipping Cream
1/2 tsp of Pure Vanilla Extract
Fresh Fruit such as strawberries, raspberries, kiwi fruit, passionfruit, bananas, blueberries

  1. Preheat the oven to 140 degrees and place the rack in middle of the oven. Line a baking tray with foil and draw a 7 inch circle on the foil with a blunt knife. Set aside.
  2. In a clean medium-sized bowl, mix the egg whites with a clean electric mixer on medium speed. Whip until the whites form soft peaks.
  3. Add the sugar to the egg whites, one gentle teaspoon at a time. Don't just lump the sugar in the bowl, try sprinkling it instead and never stop whipping until you finish the sugar. Your egg whites should now be glossy stiff peaks. Taste the mixture and if the sugar is still gritty then keep whipping for a few more minutes until the sugar is dissolved.
  4. Sprinkle the cornstarch and vinegar on the meringue and fold gently with a plastic spatula.
  5. Now gently spread the meringue in the circle on the foil and make sure the edges of the meringue are slightly higher then the centre so you have a slight well in the middle.
  6. Bake the meringue for about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until it goes a very pale egg shell colour and is hard to touch on the outside.
  7. Turn the oven off and leave the door slightly ajar to let the meringue cool completely. As the meringue cools, it will crack slightly.
  8. Just before serving, take the meringue out of the oven and remove it gently from the foil and place on a plate.
  9. Whip up the cream with the vanilla extract until it forms slight peaks. Prepare the fruit.
  10. Gently spread the cream to the top of the meringue and arrange the fruit on top.

hmmmmm so resepi dah ada, cara2 nk buat pon ada, video pon ada...apelag cr bhn2 n mulala membaking...moh kita....



Ahad, 23 Oktober 2011

muffin coklat cip

25pcs muffin coklat cip, siap.........
utk mkn2 sesaje, jamuan kecik2 ato besar2, kenduri kendara..bleh oder ngan saya



Chocolate cheese cake

ptg mggu yg lalu...yg lalu ek..bkn mggu ini....huhuhu...tekak laparkan kek coklat maka pikir n belek2 resepi kt peti ais,belek2 isi peti ais, belek2 dapur so dptla menghasilkan kek coklat cheese ni....rasenye emmmm manis2 masam cheese.....yummiiiii.....
 sepotong tidak cukup.

tmbh lg septg.....
